Do Professional Photographers Use Filters? An Expert's Guide

Do professional photographers rely on filters? The answer is a definite yes! Filters are an essential tool for photographers, giving them more creative options and improving the quality of their images. But the decision to use a lens filter or not ultimately depends on the individual photographer and their personal preferences. In this article, we'll explore the different types of filters that professional photographers carry in their bag, the scenarios in which filters can be advantageous, and why they are still valuable even in digital photography. We'll also discuss how filters can be used to create certain moods and aesthetics.

Types of Filters

The three main types of filters that every professional photographer carries in their bag are UV, polarizer, and neutral density filters.

UV filters are used to reduce ultraviolet light and protect the lens from dust and dirt. Polarizer filters reduce glare and reflections, while neutral density filters reduce the intensity of light entering the camera lens.

Advantages of Filters

Filters are beneficial in many scenarios, particularly in landscape photography. They can help reduce glare and reflections, protect the lens from dust and dirt, and even modify the intensity of light just before it enters the camera lens. In addition, some programs cannot simulate the behavior of photo filters, making them an essential part of a photographer's kit.

Using Filters for Aesthetics

Filters can also be used to evoke certain moods or aesthetics.

For example, if you're shooting raindrops against a window and want to create a somber mood, using a blue or “cold” filter will help you achieve that effect. Similarly, if you want a timeless and minimalist photograph, using a preset or black and white filter will help you achieve that aesthetic.


In conclusion, professional photographers use filters as a tool to improve an image and provide more creative options. While some photographers prefer to use a lens filter in certain scenarios, others may choose not to use it at all.

Ultimately, it's the photographer who decides what best suits him and his photograph.

Clément Vermeulen
Clément Vermeulen

Freelance pop cultureaholic. Lifelong internet geek. Avid problem solver. Subtly charming bacon scholar. Proud zombie fanatic. Passionate tv fanatic.